Saturday, June 20, 2015

Day 7 Scintillating Seventh Day Ventura to Los Angeles

Distance 60.9
Moving Time 4:27:20
Elevation 1,903ft
Avg Speed 13.7mi/h
Max Speed 43.1mi/h
Calories 1,686
Temperature 77

Wakeup Time: 4:30 a.m. / Ride-out Time: 7:00 a.m. / Elapsed Time 7:21:00

Looking at this trio, we look as if we've been crying all night long. We don't want the week to end. Sniff, sniff. David and I brought our gear to the trucks and on our way to drop off our tents, we run into the lovable, cuddle-able, sweet Pardeep.

An absolutely adorable picture is of Tony and Blain stretching and then posing for what? A camera? Where?

When Johannes and I got to our bikes, we noticed that the Chicken Lady (a.k.a Ken) left her love on every Rider's seat. She did have help from, what would you call Chicken Lady Elves? Chickadees sounds perfect.

She sprinkles so much wonderfulness throughout the ride. Each egg had a treat and words of wisdom. 

As we were pulling away from bike parking, Johannes noticed that not one, but two -- the front and back tires were F - L - A - T! Johannes first response was, "Does someone not like me? Who would do such a thing?" I met him at bike tech and he discovered that he had ridden over thorns, which found their way into both tires. We were finally ready to ride off to mile 21.6 RS1 Caltrans pullout near Point Mugu off the Pacific Coast Highway.

At some point, Johannes cycled ahead not knowing that I had stopped to help a Rider change a tire.

At 2600 South Victoria, I gave a mental greeting to the DeVeras. Anytime I hear of Oxnard, I think of Vera DeVera and her family.  At 17.6 miles I made a stop at the Point Mugu Missle Park to take a least one picture of the fascinating airplanes.

At Mile 17.6 courtesy of Google Maps

When I arrived at RS1 Lisa McCarty was jumping up and down for joy. She was leaving as I was arriving. And, almost instantly, the ever-so-efficient Cyclist Rep Scott was on his bullhorn announcing that the rest stop would be closing in 10 minutes. That gave me enough time to replenish my water bottles, bump into Johannes who was on his way out, visit the PP to pp, have an orange slice and a banana and rush to my bike just in time to hear another announcement that the route was closed due to an accident. So we waited in line and the Roadies, #RoadiesRock, came by with snacks for us as we stood waiting for the go ahead. And, look who happened to be in front of me, the Texan stud from Day 4 Halfway to L.A.

I caught up with Johannes and we decided to skip mile 31 RS2 Leo Carrillo State Beach since we were behind. Team Edna planned to meet at 1:30 p.m. for those who wanted to ride into the VA Center en masse. We were able to quickly grab lunch at mile 45.3 at Malibu Bluffs Park and let Team Edna folks know that RS1 cyclists had been held up for at least 30 minutes because of the accident so the meet time had to be pushed out a bit. Of course just a few pictures had to be snapped. One with Mentor Mary and a guy, I'll call Bob who happens to train with the East Bay Wildcats. Glad I met him. I will be on the lookout for Bob (to find out his actual name) on future Saturday Orinda training rides.

From this point until making our way onto San Vicente Boulevard, we cycled on the Pacific Coast Highway with parked cars, fast cars on the road, and our eyes watching like hawks for any car doors opening, surfboards swinging, cars darting out of parking spaces onto the highway, and just about anything else that could pop out or in front of us.


Our planned meeting time at 1:30 p.m. at a designated spot was not on the route. Because of the RS1 holdup, a few of us, including Richard (and Patricia and Lance Gordon, who said they would not be able to meet us at 1:30, but got to - YAY!) waited at the corner of Montana and S Gretna Green Way. We received a text from Thomas, but the text wasn't clear. I thought he and others were waiting for us at the finish line. So at 2:30 p.m. the 12 to 15 of us went ahead and a few blocks later, all of a sudden we hear cheer. What an utter emotional delight, the rest of Team Edna was waiting for Captain Richard.

Team EDNA was first created to honor 13-time Rider and Roadie, Edna Flores Lagunte.

Three days before Day 1, our teammate Deyon Jonson's mother passed away. While we cycled, roadied, virtual cycled, supported on the route, cheered from home, we not only experienced our individual journeys but also helped our Captain Richard Lagunte and team member Deyon Jonson through an emotional, supportive, loving week of healing.

We cycled 61.7 miles cycled today, a total of 545 miles over 7 days into the VA Center in Los Angeles. The team was cycling behind Captain Richard.

When Richard finally crossed the finish line with 40 riders behind him, a few of us broke down and cried.

Proud of you Deyon

See you in San Francisco, TeaDough

Bye, Buck

We're going home via LAX

For more pictures, please visit
(you don't need a Facebook account to view)

Friday, June 19, 2015

Day 6 Soul-Searching Sixth Day Lompoc to Ventura

Distance 87.8
Moving Time 6:21:32
Elevation 3,287ft
Avg Speed 13.8mi/h
Max Speed 44.9mi/h
Calories 2,429
Temperature 73

Wakeup Time: 4:30 a.m. / Ride-out Time: 6:45 a.m. / Elapsed Time 11:15:16

Today was another day that I would ride at the back of the pack and take-in all the beauty that life has to offer and also remember those who have left us.

Irene and I trying our best to open our eyes wide at such an early hour

Yoga humor
Off to mile 14.6 RS1 Caltrans Pull Out. As is with much of the San Francisco to Los Angeles route, this stretch was breathtaking with rolling hills, steep climbs, glorious descents into beautiful coastal views. And what do we have here? Finally, a picture with my tent mate, Carlos. Carlos and I became fast friends last year at the lunch stop on Day 5. During training from February to May 2014, Carlos found me aloof. I was a newbie. All I wanted was to finish training as fast and best as I could because I didn't know how I would be on the actual 7-day ride. I didn't spend much time at rest stops or lunch during my first season of training. Carlos was always holding court and in command. When Carlos saw me on Day 5 last year, his opinion of me being conserved went out the window, the door and any other opening available.

Bumping into familiar faces was such a joy at RS1.

Our Eminence Don Brown

Ken, the compassionate Chicken Lady

With Johannes, the Chicken Lady's future husband

Love training with and seeing Carolyn

Beautiful multi-year rider, Emily

Ms. Guru Bollywood in all her lovliness

The route to mile 27.5 RS2 Vista Point was closed from here onwards before 9am, so Johannes and I stayed put and waited until we were given the go ahead.

Riding at a slower pace, one gets to stop and take pictures along the route, so here we are with folks we had just left back in RS1.

Diana is wondering why she's at the rest stop before me

It's Chris with a smile

Unicorns are found everywhere

Ally can't believe she cycling every mile

Yup! Meeting George right outside the porta potties

With the Blond Ambition Robert

Lisa is LOVING that I'm arriving as she's leaving

Newlyweds James and George

You can't get any better than taking a photo of newlyweds, so on to mile 44.2 lunch at Girsh Park, where after taking a bite into my sandwich, I hear, "Lunch will be closing in 15 minutes." As I ride out, I see that Edna is remembered and Rich supported everywhere.

Riding to mile 57.2 RS3 Leadbetter Beach is spectacular, especially because our next stop is Paradise Pit with ICE CREAM!!!!!!!

All the toppings one could ask for

Skot loving Paradise Pit

Janet and Heartbreak Hector

Jen and Eric from New York, now Californians

Is Lisa making fun of me always being behind her?

Mile 71.6 water stop was skipped to go onto mile 78.7 RS4 Rincon Parkway Campground

Chris B - love where you take us with your music

Don't look, Rich, but you do know who this represents :)

Don't know who he is, but he's begging for a photo - right in front of my bike

The wonders of our Gear Roadies

88.1 miles cycled into camp at San Buenaventura State Beach and directly from dropping my gear off in our tent and off to be with Rich for a tribute to Edna.

After leaving the beach, I rushed back to my tent to get warm and showered. The day was indeed ending, the showers, at least the one I was using was not clean, but I was tired and needed to get done so I could get something to eat. I got to the dining tent just as camp announcements were ending and folks were leaving for the candlelight vigil. I ate in silence and alone, but not lonely. With each bite (I had to savor because I couldn't go back for seconds -- food service was closed), I was able to reflect on what today and the past five days meant. Everything. This moment dining on my own was very much like, at times, riding on my own. I get to have all this time to think, not think, to laugh, to ask, to answer and best of all, I get to know that my life with family, friends, the ALC community, our 48th and Telegraph family, Allen and the P-boys, and especially the love of my life, John is fulfilling. And with my last bite, I smiled, headed back to my tent and thought, "Should I walk into town for an In-n-Out meal?"

Say good night, Art! Well, I tried. Carlos and I ended up talking quietly, texting and giggling until we could no longer.

For more pictures, please visit
(you don't need a Facebook account to view)