Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Marti Nemer THANK YOU - Please tell me I'm doing a good thing

I wrote an email this morning to Marti Nemer ...

Well, guess who didn't have the heart to say NO and let himself be talked into registering for AIDS/LifeCycle 2017? So, I LIED, about 2016 being my last year so I could take a break.

So what got me back? My cyclist representative told me how important I am to helping the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. My fundraising has helped SFAF provide critical services for people who cant afford them so they can continue to live with HIV and AIDS. 

I did share with AIDS/LifeCycle that I was not going to be the gung ho fundraiser. My plan is to send three email messages:  

1) to let everyone know that I’m a liar and will continue with AIDS/LifeCycle

2) to remind folks who want to donate (mid-March 2017)

3) last effort a few days before June 4, 2017

PLEASE KNOW - NO PRESSURE.  I just want to make sure I don’t give up your reign as first to donate every year.  And you notice how I didn’t call and sent you an email :)

And, the picture shows the result ...

Thank you Marti Nemer​ -- you are the best for being the first, top donor and wonderful supporter on my behalf of AIDS/LifeCycle 2014, 2015, 2016 AND 2017!