Monday, February 17, 2014

No road training today

But, but I did get myself on a stationary bike - that counts for something. But, but nowhere near the time or miles clocked yesterday - infinitesimal at best. But, but I had so much to do with so little time. But, but - yeah, that's what needed a bit of a break for my butt, and it got it today.

I digress to last Thursday morning, the 13th, when the AIDS/LifeCycle Staff gave all the participants a challenge to raise $300 between February 13 and February 18, to win a one-of-a-kind cycling cap. I thought, "Wait a minute, just wait one darn minute. I just raised a bit over $2000 from February 10 to February 12. And, I can't  be given the cap." Had I asked one of the donors to wait a day, I would be a one-of-a-kind-cycling-cap wearing dude. So I texted Meredith, my Participant Representative, as soon as I received the email incentive and explained my sob story. Meridith's response, "Aw hell, Art. We'll get you that cap I'm sure. You're about $300 away from $10k anyway, so be sure to rally your donors around hitting $10k before the end of the weekend and that cap will be YOURS! :)" Hence, my day of rest last Thursday to contact potential donors.

I'm so happy to share with you, that by 8 p.m., today, you, yes you supporters donated $2010 since Thursday 10 a.m. for a total of 
$11,765 to-date. THANK YOU!

And, I appreciate Meredith for lighting a fire under my ---.

I missed posting yesterday that after our lunch break in Walnut Creek, right before I was leaving the group to begin my return, we were discussing clipless cycling and how many times each of us had fallen. Most of us were first-time clipless cyclers and we were loud enough for the non-cycling couple next to us to hear our conversation. Seconds after I said my good byes and started to pedal ... you guessed it, I clipped my left foot in and fell into the couple. So, that's fall number three.

The couple mentioned, giggling, that they had just overheard our stories of fallen mishaps. Everyone checked to make sure I was fine. I could have broken my foot and I would have claimed I was unscathed just to remove myself from the embarrassment. I jumped into action and onto my bike speeding away as if nothing happened. Well, I can now feel the muscle spams in my back, ohhhhhh, the pain. I end this post with a bit of complaining set upon by none other than moi. I'm such a klutz.

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