Distance 77.8mi
Moving Time 6:05:18
Elevation 4,918ft
Avg Speed 12.8mi/h
Max Speed 39.6mi/h
Sunday's ride up to Mt. Diablo's east side summit, Morgan Territory, was not difficult for me. At the summit, I snacked, stretched, re-butt'red, and socialized. After resting a bit, time to go down the mountain. At about half way down the mountain, I started to feel a pain in my right knee, then along my quad, and into my glute. The remaining 37 miles were not fun. I stretched once we got to our lunch stop and took Advil (no this is not a commercial) and rode with a little less pain, but still painful. I biked the slowest I've ever since my training started. But as I thought of anyone having pain in their lives throughout her/his day, I simply told myself to enjoy the beauty of the ride and focus on the next 15 feet, then the next, and so on until I was back in Orinda. Whew!
I quickly prepared and consumed my recovery drink, drove home, iced my knee, and used the foam roller to stretch my legs. I'm fine today, but I'll continue to ice and stretch the injured area throughout the day. I'm hoping with attention to my injury, I'll be able to hop on my bicycle this coming Sunday. If not, I'll continue to rest since the week after, I have 109 miles for Ride 4 A Reason on Saturday and 80 miles to Half Moon Bay and back on Sunday -- and that folks is the last of my training ride. Time flies by so quickly.
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