Thursday, June 6, 2019

2019 ALC Day 5 Santa Maria to Lompoc

Santa Maria to Lompoc - Red Dress Day for 46.68 miles

For the shortest day, when I could’ve have slept-in (6am), Alysse couldn’t get to sleep so she had me awake early to get ready, she woke me up at 4am.

After I shaved my 6-day facial hair growth and thighs, I gave up my life on earth for a few hours so that Alysse could take over. By the way, as I write this, I hate her, my feet hurt because she decided to ride over 46 miles in thigh-high boots (no cleats to clip into the pedals).

Alysse, with the help of Deyon, Dante and Chris, got to camp for breakfast, walked hundreds of yards to the gear truck, and back to bicycles - the start of the pain in my feet and the joy for Alysse.

After being stopped at almost every step to have her picture taken with almost every being in her path (where are those damn pictures) she finally reached Gear Truck C and was mobbed, yet again to have pictures taken. She really didn’t want all that attention. She just wanted to ride to help end HIV/AIDS. She told her fans that she could no longer stay by the trucks because she had to hurry up to meet her riding fans.

Alysse was ready to ride, she put on her helmet — of course anytime someone wanted to take a picture taken with her, she just couldn’t have it done with her bike helmet, so off with the helmet and ready for a pose. Her riding buddies were getting anxious to get cycling and asked Alysse to not have any more pictures taken. Oh, but wait, the Traffic Roadies wanted to take a picture of her also. OK, now we’re cycling!

The first 9.6 miles to RS1 were a breeze even with the pain in someone’s feet. After about 25 minutes, she was ready for RS2, the 17.3-mile mark. Two hills were not even a challenge with pain in MY feet, but Alysse smiled for every known camera even with her helmet. AGAIN - Words of wisdom from 4 years ago to share with shoe designers - wear the DAMN shoes for an entire day before having them manufactured and sold. More pictures for Alysse’s fans at RS 2, then another hill and Highway 1 for 21 miles to lunch. But before getting to the lunch stop, Alysse had to stop at the entrance to Vandenberg Air Force Base for some glamour shots.

At mile 38.5, she finally arrived at River Bend Park for lunch and was stopped at every step. Give a girl a break. She says, “Please don’t!!”

The lunch stop was only a little over 3 miles away from camp so Alysse camped as much as she could during lunch. And, guess what? If someone asked for a photo … of course she acquiesced — ANYTHING for the AIDS/LifeCycle cause. Now, how's a girl to get to her camp if she keeps on being asked to pose?

How time flies when one is having fun. Goodnight!

#aidslifecycle #PositivePedalers #EndingStigma will #RideLoveLive until HIV/AIDS is a thing of the past #givingbacktothecommunity #cyclinglife #volunteer #sanfranciscoaidsfoundation #losangeleslgbtcenter

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